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Awal Mula Konflik di Syria dan kapan konflik ini akan berakhir? ::  Violence in Syria begins in March 2011. The middle east country has been paralyzed by a brutal civil war. Since then the UN agency estimates that more than 100,000 people have died in conflict between the government of President Bashar al-Assad and the insurgents who want President Assad down.

What is the origin of the conflict in Syria?

Problems began to arise in the year 2011 in the city of Deraa, Syria. Locals went out to protest after 15 school children were arrested, and reportedly tortured – Residents took anti-government action by making graffiti on the wall.

Demonstration begins in peace, voicing the liberation of schoolchildren, dominance, and giving wider freedom to the people. The government responded to the rallying demo, and on March 18, 2011, the army opened fire on the demon, 4 people were killed.

The next day, they shot people in mourning at the graveyard, killing one person. People are shocked and angry with what has happened and riots spread in various places in Syria.

What do demontrants want and what do they get?
At first the demons only wanted a wider democracy and wider. But after the government opened fire on peaceful protesters, people demanded that President Bashar al-Assad resign. President Assad refused to go down.

As the turmoil gets worse, Assad’s president offers some changes in the governing government, but the protesters do not believe it. President Assad has many followers in Syria who still support him and his government.

Who are the rebel fighters?
There is not a clear group of rebels united against Assad. Opposition groups, all of whom wanted Assad to resign, broke out into various rebel groups, political parties and isolated people, where they could not return to their country.

Syrian liberation forces are the largest group fighting against the government, but their forces are far outnumbered by government troops, besides their weapons are inadequate (lacking decent) and the fighters have only basic training.

There are many smaller melitarian groups, all fighting against the government, but they are not under the control of the Syrian liberation army and some of them have extreme views on the western countries. Other opposition groups are trying to distance themselves from violence. Instead they claim to offer an alternative to the government and propose a peaceful political solution to the ongoing crisis.

Chemical Weapons
Pressure from international commodities to act after it is known that chemical weapons have been used in warfare.

However, in August 2013, there was a chemical attack outside the capital city of Syria, Damascus, this triggered a strong reaction from usa, english and french.

After seeing the effects of this chemical weapon, there was a long discussion, what the world should do.
In September 2013, the UN director confirmed that chemical weapons had been used in Syria, but in the unspecified report of who was responsible.

Syria, has denied using chemical weapons banned under international law for causing horrific effects.

Assad’s government says no country in the world uses weapons of mass destruction against its people. In this case rebel fighters are blamed in chemical attacks.

Chemical Weapons of Destruction Chemical
weapons attacks result in international outrage and many demands a tough response. The Parliament in Westminster voted against Britain to engage in a military action in Syria. The American and French governments discussed limited missile strikes against Syrian targets.

Russia has close ties with the government of Assad’s president and has assisted Syria in supplying weapons. In September 2013, Russia offered a solution that could avoid a wider conflict, namely: The Syrian government must surrender chemical weapons and commit to destroy them in order to be unused.

The process of destruction of chemical weapons began in October 2013 and the people on duty in this project were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize at the end of that month.

The Refugee Crisis
Many ordinary residents in Syria have been caught in the violence of civil war in their country, they are forced to leave their homes, flee, flee to other countries, al. Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq.

In August 2013, the UN agency said that millions of Syrian children were forced to leave Syria. Millions of refugees are in desperate need of help, but agencies involved in aid say that channeling aid in areas is very difficult and dangerous.

What will happen next?
No sign of battles coming to an end soon. There was a dead end between the two sides; Government troops can not defeat insurgent groups, and vice versa.

The rebel group of “Syrian liberation forces” with support from the United States, Britain and other nations, these supporters could not send weapons to the Syrian liberation army on the grounds that they were afraid the weapons would fall into the wrong hands.

In December 2013, the United States and the United Kingdom halted the delivery of drugs, vehicles and communications equipment to Syria, as well as to rebel groups. Assistance from various countries in the form of food and emergency equipment is still supplied / delivered to Syria. But the Americans and the British say they should stop all other support because they fear equipment will be stolen and used by insurgent groups they do not support.

Currently the discussion continues to be carried out by powerful countries such as America, Russia, England and France in finding a way out for peace in Syria. []



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